Environment Activities in the environment
What to do?Molló Parc +
Parc Aventura
200 m
Molló Parc is an animal park located between forests and meadows in the heart of the Vall de Camprodon.
Along a 3-hour route, you can walk peacefully surrounded by trees and animals. You will be in the middle of nature and you will observe different animal species: bears, lynx, wolves, golden eagles, marmots, horse riders, deer, wild boars, foxes… All of them are in semi-freedom, in the best conditions of well-being and in their habitat natural
Halfway you will find a picnic area, where you can have breakfast, lunch or a snack, or simply rest for a while while feeling the water of the river passing by.
Molló Adventure Park The space, spanning a hectare, features a fir forest and takes advantage of the terrain’s slope for the installation of 54 activities, including zip lines and Tibetan bridges In total, there are four circuits with varying levels of difficulty based on height and age.
Estiula Aventura
25 km
Estiula Aventura is an Adventure Park in Campdevànol, located next to the Estiula Stream where, just a few minutes walk from the zip line park, you’ll find the impressive waterfalls of the protected area of the 7 Gorgs.
The park is located in a lush area of nature, with landscapes of great beauty where you’ll find a ‘vertical forest’ with acrobatic circuits and zip lines above the trees, adapted for all ages.
Note: the park is closed during the winter.
Nord sud Excursions
Nord Sud is a company located in Camprodon, dedicated to guiding activities such as alpine skiing, ski touring, snowshoeing, climbing, mountain biking, or trekking.
If you want to get started in winter sports, Nord Sud offers you the option of private lessons or packages that also include the necessary equipment.
GR Experience
GR Experience is a company dedicated to organizing activities in the natural environment, discovering flora and fauna, cultural and gastronomic routes, family orienteering races, ski courses, guided bike tours, aquatic trekking, via ferratas, and kayaking on the Ter River.
Bike rental
Esports Vivac (Camprodon)
Phone 972 13 04 26
Sant Joan de les Abadesses Hostel
Phone 972 720 495
Tastings and courses for making cheeses.
20 km
The Ripollès is land of cheeses and Som Formatgers is an initiative born in the Ripollès.
Tastets de formatges aims to promote the consumption of Catalan quality cheese and to make the work visible through various activities:
- Cheese tastings
- Cheese courses for kids
- Cheese courses for adults
La Vall de Núria
35 km
To access the Vall de Núria, it is necessary to take a rack railway train from the towns of Ribes de Freser or Queralbs. The mountain station possesses a unique natural and scenic richness.
It’s an ideal place for mountaineering and winter sports. Highly recommended to visit at any time of the year, even with the little ones. There are plenty of activities designed for them: pony rides, playgrounds, zip lines, and climbing walls…
Vallter 2000
25 km
Vallter 2000: Located within the town of Setcases, a meeting point for mountain lovers, climbing, and skiing enthusiasts. Situated in an incomparable landscape to experience nature. There are sled slopes for the little ones in the house.
During the summer, the chairlift is in operation. You can ride it and visit the source of the Ter River or take a high mountain route.
Don’t forget to book your sled at the reception of the campsite.
Can Pastoret
Can Pastoret és una masia de muntanya dedicada a la producció agrícola i ramadera ecològica, la gestió forestal i l’ecoturisme.
Es fan visites guiades a l’entorn de la masia, on es pot veure el bestiar i les instal·lacions, els boscos, els prats de conreu, i gaudir del paisatge. Durant la visita coneixereu com funciona una explotació agrària i ramadera de muntanya i es dona menjar al bestiar. A l’hora de dinar podreu gaudir d’un àpat guiat a base dels productes que s’elaboren a Can Pastoret: carns i trumfes ecològiques, acompanyat d’altres productes de la comarca.
Al poble de Molló, trobem la Costa, un espai en un entorn natural immillorable, on hi ha un ramat de 20 cavalls que viuen lliures als boscos de Molló durant tot l’any.
Els cavalls, están criats amb amor i respecte, mitjançant la doma natural ,el que dona resultat a cavalls amistosos, dòcils, pacients i tranquils.
A la Costa, s’hi fan cursos d’equitació, rutes a cavall per l’entorn, tallers de primer contacte amb els cavalls, doma natural i molt més.